Summer Reading Club #7 | ciocco

Rediscovering the Sensation of Everyday Life – Sharing & Workshop

Ciocco’s artwork evokes a sense of viewing hidden luminous elements beneath the surface from a micro perspective and through feminine symbolism. Her hazy style hints at the invisible layers of consciousness below the surface. Many of her ZINEs are hand-stitched with covers featuring different textures of fabric, bringing readers back to the tactile sensations of everyday life when flipping through her books.

For the seventh session of the Summer Book Club, we have invited ciocco as a guest speaker and workshop instructor. She will share her own ZINEs and other books from her collection. Following this, she will lead a workshop that revolves around words and fabric, creating ZINEs with them as the main elements.


About ciocco

Graduated from Politecnico di Milano with a degree in Visual Communication Design, they currently operate as an individual studio, focusing on creative works related to books, painting, handcrafts, and writing. They explore and express slowly, believing that even the tiniest things hold an awareness of beauty. By getting close to it and creating it, they hope that each work can become a small, shining link that connects with others and the world.


Date: August 27, 2023
Time: 14:00-17:00


Event Schedule:

14:00-15:00: ciocco’s ZINE Booklist
15:00-17:00: Workshop: Rediscovering the Sensation of Everyday Life


Part 1: Sharing ZINEs List from ciocco

 A Snail Writes Diaries on the Grass

“Keep the part of the moon that you have in you.” Feelings and connections to things in everyday life are recorded in textual form and conveyed again through visual expression. They believe that the closer you get to the soul of things, the more you can sense the shape of their language.



Please Try to Spit Out a Rabbit and Get Close to It

“Rabbits come from within us and will also disappear within us.” The rabbits here metaphorically represent a certain disorderly sense of oppression from the mind or the external world, something transparent yet heavy. Each rabbit spat out comes from the deepest depths of the soul, residing in the most intimate part of ourselves but will be released from the body in a measurable unit form.



Cat’s Dream 03

In the quietude of nature, things remain silent. Imagine the language through which they flow and stretch themselves. Imagine if they have ever conveyed their essence to humans to recognize each other. Through the flow and closeness of a cat, open the door to self-narration.




Towards the end of 2021, I spent some time at the Laojunshan Nature Center in Lijiang. While in the mountains, I was deeply drawn to the lichen plants on the surface of rocks. These tiny yet vibrant plants gave me a strong sense of connection. During my stay, I photographed and documented the forms of more than ten types of lichen. I began to experiment with creating entirely based on sensory perception, devoid of narrative and logic. Instead, I gazed upon them with the eyes of nature, responding to them with color and shape, thus extending the tiny power I obtained from nature during this period.


The Smallest Shell

What are the things that are both light and heavy? Water, dusk, breathing, and the moments close to a heart. When language and body approach another person infinitely, the birthing of light and heavy occurs. And all the traces left behind are for returning to one’s original self, fresh, robust, and yet light, like the smallest shell.


Other recommended works at the reading event


Part 2: Workshop

Make a Zine with ciocco

Rediscovering Everyday Sensations


ciocco enjoys different sensations, and fabric is one of the channels that can provide her with the desired sensations. In this workshop, we primarily used fabric and paper, teaching the technique of stitched binding and collage with fabrics.

In addition to teaching techniques, this workshop also aimed to help everyone think about and explore their own sensory experiences in daily life. We engaged in thematic writing and textured fabric creation, ultimately creating a small book that described everyday sensations.


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