WORKSHOP | Beginners RISO SUMMER Workshop

During the summer break, many friends have been privately messaging Pause Bread, asking when the RISO experiential workshops will be available again. Now, everything is ready, and two workshops are coming up soon. Let’s experience the unique creative inspiration that RISO brings in the summer!



Have you ever been captivated by those colorful, heart-pounding works of art at art fairs and book exhibitions? Behind those awe-inspiring prints, posters, and handmade books lies a secret: Risograph (RISO) printing technology.

Risograph is a unique printing method known for its distinctive colors and texture effects that are hard to resist. In the Zero-Based RISO Workshop, we will take you on a magical journey to explore the world of Risograph art.

No computer or prior preparation is needed. Under the guidance of our instructor, you will create your very first Risograph poster by hand. It’s an opportunity to showcase your personality and creativity, unleashing your inner creative passion.

During the workshop, you will discover the uniqueness of Risograph, learn the operational techniques, and understand its wide range of artistic applications. Through interactions with the instructor and fellow participants, you’ll gain inspiration and expertise to elevate your creative work to the next level.


Workshop Content:

1. Introduction to the basic principles of RISO printing.

2. Browse various sample prints and classic books at the printing studio with the instructor.

3. Test overlapping color effects and learn color theory.

4. Learn color separation, plate separation, and the printing process under the guidance of the instructor.

6. Create your own A3 poster and share and exchange ideas with the group.



More Photos:



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