彭浩东 Scene Peng: Default Settings
Exhibition | Scene Peng
因地制宜 Default Settings
Add:Hongbaoshi Rd.7,Changning District,Shanghai
Default Settings
香蕉鱼非常荣幸在我们的展厅里为您呈现,设计师浩东 (Scene Peng) 新展——《因地制宜 Default Settings》。
因地制宜 Default Settings is a hybrid translation of somewhere and someone Scene created for, as well as from the recent set of constraints collected by her. Presenting notes, sketchbooks, images, floor plans and final visual translations of objective restraints encountered before, during, and after most design processes she has involved in, it presents a layered, non-linear narrative image of the relationship that designers, scientists, artists, architects, musicians, writers and entrepreneurs maintain with respective methodologies.
Turning limits into default settings, context into tools, and paradigms into practices.
Scene Peng
彭浩东 (Scene Peng) 于 1997 年出生,先后在中央圣马丁学院和海牙皇家艺术学院完成了一系列与平面设计相关的研究学习,现工作生活于上海。作为设计工作者的她,同时也在探索练习出版(In Good Company Intl.)、策划(乐于 JOYFOR)及音乐(EGRET)。
Scene Peng explores interrelationships of logic, human culture and mother nature, while producing printed and representational reviews with the ambition of setting positive examples for the future. As a designer and art director based in Shanghai, she is also publishing (@In Good Company Intl.), planning (@JOYFOR) and listening (@EGRET).