Publishing Publishing Manifestos (Chinese) Michalis Pichler
米哈利斯 · 皮赫勒 中文版由香蕉鱼书店出版
2023年6月于在星美术馆举办的第六届UNFOLD上海艺术书展上发布 《出版<出版宣言>》和宣言列表首次发表于米哈利斯 · 皮赫勒编辑的 《出版宣言》(剑桥,马塞诸塞州:麻省理工学院出版社;柏林: MISS READ艺术书展,2019)。
Michalis与Lim的采访首次发表于首尔 mediabus 出版社的韩文版 《出版<出版宣言>》上。
翻译 陈柏君
英文校对 Mark Soo
中文校对 苏菲
书籍设计 王乃谦
出版:香蕉鱼书店 & UNFOLD上海艺术书展
Publishing Publishing Manifestos Michalis Pichler Chinese edition first published by Bananafish Books in Shanghai, June 2023 on occasion of the six edition of UNFOLD Shanghai Art Book Fair at Start Museum Shanghai “Publishing Publishing Manifestos” and the list of manifestos were first published in Publishing Manifestos, ed. Michalis Pichler (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, Berlin: MISS READ, 2019). The interview between Michalis and Lim was first published in the Korean-English edition of 출판 선언문 출판하기 Publishing Publishing Manifestos (Seoul: mediabus, 2019)
Translation Bai Jun Chen
Proofreading (EN) Mark Soo
Proofreading (CN) Qing Zhou
Book Design Mac Wang
Bananafish Books & UNFOLD Shanghai Art Book Fair
Hongbaoshi Rd.7, Changning District, Shanghai

Risograph blue with risograph 4 colors printed by Pausebread Press Shanghai, 600 copies as the first edition.
Launched at 2023 Shanghai Art Book Fair 6.9 – 6.11 at Start Museum Shanghai
The book is the gift for all the exhibitors of 2023 Shanghai Art Book Fair (then, only 300 copies left)
Later you could buy from BANANAFISH BOOKS (online shop and the store), or email us: bananafishbooks # if you would love to get one copy or sell it for Michalis Pichler and Bananafish.